教員研修留学生が「サマースクール2023イン曽爾」に参加しました。(2023年8月30日) 公開日  :  2023-10-13

Nara ISC/ 国際戦略センター(@奈良教育乐竞体育_乐竞体育app下载-官方网站)





Visiting schools in rural areas of Japan had been one of my greatest wishes, finally I was opportune to visit the Soni Village Junior High School, a school that is situated on top of a mountain and also surrounded by mountains. The green vegetation gave the school it beautiful view and a quiet space for learning. The one-day trip was a rich and fascinating experience for me as a teacher. Seeing a school that is well structured and furnished, but situated in a village with a low number of students enrolled was something that blew up my mind and it proved to me how important education is in Japan.
We had a nice time talking about our country's Educational system and cultures, the interactive session with the kids and staff at the school was fun and memorable for all of us on the one-day trip.
My experience from this trip couldn't have been possible without my university, much appreciation to my university (Nara University of Education), and I hope to have another opportunity to visit more schools in rural Japan.

Our Visit to Soni village was characterized by so much fun and exciting events. It was a great encounter to interact with the learners. This experience also accorded me an opportunity to practice my Japanese by making a simple presentation about Africa in general and Malawi in particular. The small quiz that we had ignited interest in the learners to interact with us. After the presentation, we had an ample time to casually interact with the learners outside the classroom. We interacted in English. I was so amazed at how much the learners wanted to communicate in English even though they had a little vocabulary and they appeared shy. To me, it meant that these learners have a desire and will to learn how to communicate well in English. We took photos depicting the beautiful scenery the school is surrounded with. I appreciate the Nara University of Education staff for organising such a knowledge enhanced trip for us. Thank you!

It was a wonderful opportunity to interact with Japanese students and provide insights into my home country. I was delighted to have the chance to discuss various facets of my country with Japanese students, including our rich cultural events, delicious Indonesian cuisine, and numerous other aspects of our culture. It was a rewarding experience to share the beauty and diversity of Indonesia with an eager audience. 
During the event, I was fortunate to observe a mathematics lesson conducted by undergraduate students from Nara University of Education. This experience provided me with valuable insights into different teaching methods and approaches, enriching my understanding of teaching practices in Japan. Two aspects that particularly captivated me were the Lesson Study Practice in Japanese Education and the problem-solving methods used in teaching mathematics. 
In addition, I had an amazing chance to explore SONI Village's picturesque landscapes. The environment was hilly, with stunning views that left a lasting impression on me. It was a truly memorable experience that added to the overall richness of my Summer School Program experience. 
In conclusion, my participation in the Summer School Program in SONI Village was a valuable experience that allowed me to contribute to education and cultural exchange while also broadening my own horizons. I look forward to more opportunities like this in the future, as they play a significant role in my personal and professional growth.



カテゴリ   :   活動レポート
最終更新 : 2023-10-13 16:19