Undergraduate and Graduate Course - 奈良教育乐竞体育_乐竞体育app下载-官方网站_乐竞体育_乐竞体育app下载-官方网站

Undergraduate and Graduate Course 国際交流?留学

大 学
基 金
資 料
請 求
研 究
シ ー
ズ 集

Study at NUE with degree

You have to take an entrance examination. Please make sure to check the detail and gather information from following website.
  • Faculty of Education(Info for entrance examination
    (NOTE)This is Japanese only.
    As of the detail of the faculty, please click here.

  • Graduate School of Education(Info for entrance examination

  • (NOTE)This is Japanese only.
    【NOTE : We don't have a Doctor course.】

    【Master Course】
    As of the detail of the master course, please click here.

    【Professional Degree Program (in Education)】
    As of the detail of the professional degree program (in Education), please click here.
    (NOTE)This is Japanese only.
    If you want to graduate this course in two years, which is written "ストレート院生" on the "学びのモデルスケジュール", you have to have a teacher's license approved by Japanese government before entering. If you don't have it, you need to choose "小学校教員免許取得プログラム" or "特別支援学校教員免許取得プログラム" and you need three or four years until you graduate.
    So, when you consider to apply to the professional degree program, please make sure to read the application guidelines carefully and don't leave any questions before your applying.

Japanese Language and Culture Program for International Students

We offer classes of Japanese language and culture for the international undergraduate and graduate students. And also we offer various exchange events and activities to promote the exchange with Japanese and international students.

International exchange activities (for example)

  • International exchange events(Nakkyon's café)
    Through holding an event once a month, we provide opportunities to cultural exchange between Japanese and international students. (We went out to hiking, field trip and festival in Nara, and experienced rice planting harvesting and making rice-cake)
    We're looking forward to your participation!

▼Regular curriculums(for undergraduate students)

Spring Semester Fall Semester
Japanese 「Japanese I」((N1)Academic writing skills)
「Japanese II」((N1)Academic reading and summarization skills)
「Seminar of Japanese Language II (Reading)」((N3-N2)Reading literature)
「Seminar of Japanese Language II (Composition)」((N3-N2)Report writing skill)
「Reading of Japanese Theses」(4 skills fusion study)
「Japanese I」((N1)Academic writing skills)
「Japanese II」((N1)Academic reading and summarization skills)
「Seminar of Japanese Language I (Reading)」((N3-N2)Reading literature)
「Seminar of Japanese Language I (Composition)」((N3-N2)Report writing skill)
「Practical Japanese Communication」((N3)Oral expression skill)
Japanese Culture 「A View of Modern Japanese」
「Comparative Culture」
「Intercultural Understanding」
「Comparison of Cultural Linguistics I」
「Reading of Japanese Theses(Culture)」
「Comparison of Cultural Linguistics II」
「History of Japanese Culture」
「Japanese View on Religion」

Please check the link below for more details about classes

▼Regular curriculums(for graduate students)

Japanese supplementary classes (fusion Japanese) 2 classes a week *no credit
For inquires
【Entrance Examination】
Entrance Examination Division, Nara University of Education
Student Affairs Division, Nara University of Education