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MEXT Scholar 国際交流?留学

大 学
基 金
資 料
請 求
研 究
シ ー
ズ 集

MEXT Scholar

International exchange activities (for example)

  • International exchange events(Nakkyon's café)
    Through holding an event once a month, we provide opportunities to cultural exchange between Japanese and international students. (We went out to hiking, field trip and festival in Nara, and experienced rice planting harvesting and making rice-cake)
    We're looking forward to your participation!

Teacher Training Students Program

Please apply it through the embassy or consulate. You can study at NUE between one year and one and half year.

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Course Guide for Teacher Training Students Program in 2024 JapaneseEnglish
Course Guide List for Teacher Training Students Program in 2024 JapaneseEnglish

  1. Aim of the course
    • To expand your knowledge in your specialized field
    • To deepen your understanding of Japanese and Japanese culture
  2. Period of the course
    • April ~ March in the next year
  3. Requirements for completion of the course
    • Requirements for completion of the course
    • Writing a report when you finish the program
    • Participating the events included in the program
  4. Outline of Classes
    • Japanese language (2 classes a week)
    • Japanese Culture
    • ※Whether you will take classes except above, please follow your instructor.
  5. Cultural / Social activities
    • Study trip (single day / overnight)
    • Appreciations of traditional performances (Bunraku, Kabuki, Sumo) etc

Japanese Studies Student Program (Nikkensei)

This program is for one year. We accept two types, recommended by university and by the embassy. The recommendation by university is for the students who is in the partner university. Please ask the staff in your university and get more detail.
If you are the students in the non-partner university, please apply through the embassy or consulate.

File Language
Course Guide List for Japanese Studies Student Program in 2024 日本語

  1. Aim of the course
    • Through the program
      1. To improve your Japanese skills
      2. To deepen your understanding of Japanese and Japanese culture
    • To obtain knowledge and strategies for your Japanese language learning and Japanese language / Japanese culture study after you come back your home country.
  2. Period of the course
    • October ~ August in the next year
  3. Requirements for completion of the course
    • Taking more than 14 classes in a year (From 2022)
    • Writing a report when you finish the program
    • Participating in compulsory study excursions
  4. Outline of Classes
    Fall Semester Spring Semester
    Japanese JLPT-1 Level "Japanese I"(academic writing skills)
    "Japanese II"(academic reading and summarization skills)
    "Japanese I"(academic writing skills)
    "Japanese II"(academic reading and summarization skills)
    JLPT-2 Level "JapaneseI"(academic writing skills)
    "Japanese II"(academic reading and summarization skills)
    "Seminar of Japanese Language I(Reading)"(reading literature)
    "Seminar of Japanese Language I(Composition)"(report writing skill)
    "JapaneseI"(academic writing skills)
    ※"Seminar of Japanese Language II(Reading)"(reading literature)
    ※"Seminar of Japanese Language II(Composition)"(report writing skill)
    "Japanese II"(academic reading and summarization skills)
    "Reading of Japanese Theses"(4 skills fusion study)
    JLPT-N3 Level "Practical Japanese Communication"(oral expression skill)
    "Seminar of Japanese Language I(Reading)"(reading literature)
    "Seminar of Japanese Language I(Composition)"(report writing skill)
    "Seminar of Japanese Language II(Reading)"(reading literature)
    "Seminar of Japanese Language II(Composition)"(report writing skill)
    "Reading of Japanese Theses"(4 skills fusion study)
    Intermediate Level "Intermediate Japanese 1"(Basic - Intermediate fusion Japanese)
    "Intermediate Japanese 2"(  〃  )
    "Practical Japanese Communication"(oral expression skill)
    Japanese Culture "History of Japanese Culture"
    "Comparison of Cultural Linguistics II"
    "Japanese View on Religion"
    "Comparative Culture"
    "A View of Modern Japanese"
    "Intercultural Understanding"
    "Comparison of Cultural Linguistics"
    "Reading of Japanese Theses (Culture)"

    ※Japanese language classes are set based on the result of the placement test.

    For more detail, please check from following URL.

    • With teacher's permission you have the choice to take some Japanese student oriented classes. We strongly recommend you to attend them from spring semester for effective learning.
    • Language classes such as Chinese, Korean, French, English are offered as a 1 year program (from April) for Japanese students. Therefore you cannot acquire their credits.
  5. Cultural / Social activities
    • Study trip (single day / overnight)
    • Appreciations of traditional performances (Bunraku、Kabuki、Sumo) etc

Research Student with the certificate from the embassy or consulate

If you have the certificate from the embassy or consulate, please send the necessary documents and teacher's name you choose to us by email.
You can check the professional fields of the teachers from 「教員一覧」 or Course Guide List for Teacher Training Students Program

Japanese language and culture classes

Regarding "Research Student (Faculty of Education)" and "Research Student with the certificate from the embassy or consulate", we will let you know it after your entering.
(For Reference)Classes of Japanese and Japanese culture for exchange studetns

For inquiry
Studnet Affairs Division, Nara University of Education